Thursday, 12 March 2009

Sudheer's 22nd's a crazy night...

First of all...Happy Birthday Sudheer!!!!!
Let the photos do the talking.....I'm too tired to blog about ability to think and write has been damaged beyond repair from the karaoke experience....

Birthday Boy Sudheer....

Me trying to get into view....

Crazy mad man Mustap....

We even had balloon-saber fights....

Since it's a big man's party..everything has to be big....

big mug...

big servings....

and the Big Chocolate cake which Seremban people had trouble cutting it....

The mad man's plan to get the Birthday Boy wet didn't really work out....

After's karaoke night aka nightmare....

2 lead singers singing....

while Mus humping the machine...

And this is what we sang in the karaoke.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHHA.. first pic made the Sud look a bit retard.. but.. Happy 22nd to him =P