I have been insanely busy with my work in the last couple of weeks and finally last weekend I had some time off to visit one of Malaysia's largest exhibition of gadgets and pretty girls.
As usual, crowd was heavy and the stalls were filled and show-offing new, highly advanced tech items. My friends and I spent a few hours there looking around and testing some of the stuff there...well ...I was looking at the girls there more...but then most of the time my view will be blocked by the DLSR-ers (since they are the frequent visitors there..I wonder if they have a whole collection of the girls, categorised by different periods/syle etc. that I can obtain/download from).
I was a bit dissapointed with the exhibition as I was expecting some demo on the latest Android OS, the ice scream sandwich and a variety of ultra thin ultrabooks. There was nothing on Android, and only a handful on ultraboks available, the rest are the stuff you can see everyday at LowYat, with a lower price tag. I feel that the organisers should take the advantage of the crowd and showcase some new items there, similar to the Tech Conference in some countries.
Towards the end of the tour, I was again pitted against waves of aggressive mobile carriers and credit card promoters. But I noticed this time around they were really desperate to get you to sign on their offer. They tried to persuade me without giving me information on the product or offer. How awesome is that?
Here's some of the shitty persuasions I have encountered at the exhibition:
sales promoter: Sir, you want unifi (broadband connection)?
me: I am currently using it at the moment. Thank you.
sales promoter: Eerr...ok...so..
another sales promoter: unsubscribe and re-subscribe la...(in a joking tone...but I could feel the promoter somehow really wish that I would do that)
The sales promoter can instead ask me about the package I am using at the moment and try to get me sign/or upgrade to the package with higher speed, and of course he/she will need to persuade me by telling me the benefits and a very good reason for doing that.
The next one is the credit card promoter (I have encountered a lot of credit card promoters and most of them tried to persuade me with the same tactic)
credit card promoter: Sir, do you have a moment, I just want to talk to you.
me: ok?
credit card promoter: So, which bank are you using at the moment? I am not trying to ask you to sign up, just want to give you some information.
me: XXX bank and XXX bank.
credit card promoter: So you want to sign up with our bank?
me: I already got enough credit cards. I don't need another one.
credit card promoter: Our card very good one.
me: ..... (That is your info?) Thank you, but I really don't need another one.
credit card promoter: Please la, help me a bit la (to get the commision). Help me la.
me: ..... (Then who the fuck is going to help me to settle the annual fees and service tax for the new card????)
What bollocks is that? This has to be one of the worse tactic used. That guy should really do some research on different banks and try to present the benefits of their card over other banks to the people they approach.
End of my rumbling...good night...