Saturday, 22 January 2011

R.I.P my phone......

My first gen iPhone has been accompanying me for almost 4 years. Even after Apple announced the new iPhone 4, I was reluctant to change it since my phone did not give me any issues. It was my most useful and reliable little gadget when I was or without my laptop. I'd use it for emails, web surfing and gossiping chatting with my friends...

I must confess I did not really take good care of the phone. I've dropped it a couple of times and it was still performing very well (minus a few dents at the top left corner of the phone). After my US trip, where I dropped my phone *again on the tarmac road and leave a huge crack on the screen, my iPhone started experiencing random freezes...and in the last few months, I get it almost everyday, sometimes twice a day. And 2 weeks ago, my phone finally succumbed to its injuries. I was unable to revive it anymore. Everytime when I tried to start it up, it would just freeze. I've tried force reset, system recovery and all the remedies I can get from Dr Google but to no avail.

Goodbye iPhone, I'd certainly miss those good memories when we are together (my fingers moving up and down on your smooth and clear display screen, feeding you every night with electricity..etc).

Alright, Android phones, here I come!!!!!!!

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